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Wholesale Pricing for all!

Potted Plants & Misc. Items

These items are in no specific order. We also order in specialty items not even listed so please call if you can't find what your looking for. This is just the most common items. 

Densi Formis Yew Photo.jpg

Densi Formis Yew

14-18" = $30

18-26" = $40


English Yew

14-18" = fall 21'

18-30" = fall 21'

Hicksi Yew Photo.jpg

Hicksi Yew

10-15" = $26

18-24" = $32


Capitata Yew

3-4ft - $50


Irish Junipers

3-4ft - $35

4-5ft - $45



#3 gallon $27

#7 gallon $4



Gold Thread - #3

Fillicoides or Fern Spray - #3 

Leyland - #3

Russian Hinoki Cypress #7

Golden Hinoki Cypress #7

Blue Ice -  $40

Spirals Photo.jpg


#3gallon - $27

#7gallon - $39


Blue Prince -  #3

Blue Princess -  #3

Ink Berry -  #3

Sky Pencil -  #3

Steeds - #3 / #7

Winter-berry m/f -#3 /  #7

Pictured : Rose #3 gallon



Blue Lawson


3-4ft - $28

4-5ft - $35

5-6ft - $43

Topiary Items (#7 containers)

Emerald Green Spirals - $105.00

Emerald Green Poodle-

$85.00 (2balls) or $94.00 (3balls)

Sea Green Pom Pom- $75



Blue Rug - $9.88 #1

Blue Point - $30 #3

Blue Star - $20 #2

Gold Coast - $20 #3

Sea Green - $20 #3

Jap. Garden - $20 #3

Dwarf Evergreens

#3 gallon $25


Bird-Nest Spruce - #3

Globe arbs- see arb section


*We do have some random limited varieties of globe spruce etc not listed. Stop by the nursery to see.


$25.00 #3gallons

b&b are $40 (field grown)


English -  #3

Green Mountain -  b&b

Winter Green -  #3 or b&b

Dwarf Korean - b&b

Few others not listed in small quantity


#3 gallon $22


Gold Mound #3

Little Princess #3

Neon Flash #3


#3 gallon $20.00


Crimson Pygmy 


Gold Pillar (Sunjoy) 




#3 gallon $27 

(Most are Proven Winners)


Big Easy, Firelight, Vanilla Strawberry *slighlty small for early spring, Little Lime, Limelight, Pinky Winky, Mini Mauvette, Invincible Ruby, Tuff Stuff Red, Tiny Tuff Stuff, Blue Bunny *slighlty small for early spring (our best sellers)


We may have few others in small quantity.

*Endless Summer (limited) 


Hydrangea Trees available 

see under Shade List

Burning Bush 

very large

#7 = $27

Gold Thread Cypress Photo.jpg

Pictured: Gold Thread Cypress #3

Pictured : Hydrangea 3gallon

Misc. Items:


Lilac Miss Kim - $27 #3

Bloomerang Lilac - $27#3

Lilac Tree Purple(graft) - $105-130 #7

Red Twig Dogwood - $27 #3

Tri Colored Willow - $27 #3

Viburnum Summer Snowflake & Carlesii - $27 #3

Callicarpa Early Amethyst - $27 #3 

Weiglea - $27 #3 Tango/Wine&Roses

Forsythia - $27 #3

Ninebark- Red Robe + others $27 #3

Smokebush - $27 #3

Carolina Allspice - $27 #3

Northern Bayberry - $27 #3 

Royal Star Magnolia - $27 #3

Buckthorn - $27 #3



Roses $27.00 #3

Varieties: Double Red, Double Pink, Drift Red, Coral + few others in smaller quanity.



Stella De Oro/Little Business - $9.88

Big Blue Lirope - $9.88

Variegated Lirope - $9.88


Grasses - $20 #3, $15 #2,  $9 #1  

Karl Forester, Feather Reed, Gracillimus, Morning Light, Purpuresense, Variegated, Zebra, Hamilin, Variegated Peaches & Cream, Jap. Bloodgrass + few others.



I also have Hostas,Astilbe,Aster,Dianthus, Windflower, Columbine, Tickseed, Wormwood, Vinca, Clematis, Fern, Iris & Coral Belle but too many too list! Please call and inquire about other perennials. 

Looking for Exotics? 

*Some of these are grown, a lot are ordered in for Spring & throughout summer!

Japanese Maple, Alaskan Cedar, Blue Atlas Cedar, Serpentine Blue Atlas, Purple Fountain Beech, Weeping White Pine, Weeping Serbian Spruce, Horstman Blue Atlas, Royal Knight Blue Spruce, Blue Star on Standard, Japanese Umbrella Pine, Jeddeloh Hemlock, Whipcord Thuja, Winter Green Umbrella Pine, Japanese Black Pine, Limber Pine, Hillside Creeper Pine, Pacific Blue Pine, Angel Falls Pine, Blue Shag Pine, Ghost Pine, Devils Eye Pine, Engel Pine, Fukuzumi Pine, Vanderwolf Pine, The Blues Weeping Blue Spruce, Fat Albert Spruce, Christina Globe Spruce, Silver Fox Spruce, Korean Fir, Golden Spanish Fir, Raywoods Weeping Cypress, Boulevard Cypress, Chirimen Chamaecyparis, Strict Weeping Cedar, Hollywood Juniper, Japanese Plum Yew, Jack Frost Maples, Ice Dragon Maple, Artic Jade Maple, North Wind Maple, Jordan Maple, Autumn Moon Maple, Orangeola Maple, Tamukeyama Maple, Virdis Maple, Spring Delight Maple, Red Dragon Maple, Crimson Queen Maple, Emerald Lace Maple, Tsuma gaki Maple, Tsukushi Gata Maple, Tobiosho Maple, Sherwood Flame Maple, Mikawa Yatsubusa Maple, Koto Maru Maple, Tyler Blue Fir, Green Spiral Fir, Dragons Mate Fir plus hundreds of others. 


*Way too many to list. Please call or email us directly for what you're looking for. If we don't have it we can order it in.* 

All prices are subject to change without notice at any time.

Please note we can order in any variety even if we don't grow it.







Please call for pricing and availability. We prefer January or earlier when ordering while supplies last. 

We would have evergreen seedlings, arborvitae, boxwood, spirea, cypress and so much more. Call to inquiry. 

© 2023 by Andes Nursery Design Dept.

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